Thirteen Cook Road (7″) | Order it!!
Gorka Secta was spending a few days in Australia, and one of those nights Kent Steedman (Celibate Rifles) proposes the idea of creating a band and getting into the studio with a few more friends such as Johnny Casino (Asteroid B612), Mick Poole and Tim Chillingworth. This is the way they got into the studio, composed, recorded and mixed two tracks in one evening. Mastered by Celibate Rifles sound engineer Rick O Neal at Turtlerock studio. What you have is here is two shots of pure Aussie high energy, made in Sydney.
A side: Angel, is a psichedelic rock cut in the way of the New Christs, while B side: Waiting, has the stamp on of those classical punk rock hymns by Lovelock-Steedman.